I recently attended a wedding where the groom’s mother spoke about ACCEPTANCE and the bride’s father spoke about IDENTIFYING.

After some retrospective analysis of the two speeches I arrived at my personal conclusion about what I’d heard; very simple and very clear conclusion, about the topic of each speech:


Further reflection brought me right back to my first Blog EMOTIONAL READS which then led me on to link to relationships.

WHY? Because all relationships are emotional engagements.  Think of all familial relationships.  Think of emotions stirred inside when your boss gives you a last-minute task that’s going to keep you hours later at the office. Think that neighbour you wished lived on another planet. Think your relationship with your pet.

Humans are emotional beings and emotions cover the spectrum from almost nothing – no movement – to the highest, consuming everything. Our eyes (sometimes our ears) are the first receptor. We see a person and a response is triggered in us. A response that evokes a good feel, a negative feel or a totally neutral feel – neither good nor negative.

When the response is a good feel, we find ourselves drawn to that other person and that is where the bride’s father’s speech of IDENTIFYING was explained in my mind. An emotion inside of the one person was identified through sighting of the other person.

The bridal couple IDENTIFYING the good feel each felt for the other led to dating, which led to a need in each for the other to fulfil, which led to ACCEPTANCE of the me – warts and all – which led to marriage.

I must say my conclusion of the analysis of these two speeches made me feel really good 😊 😊 😊

2 responses to “WEDDING SPEECH”

  1. interesting – marriage is a corporation, a partnership if you will, in business, shared money so the decisions are also shared. America makes it so the job salaries must have 2 incomes per household. It’s all a scam. Marriage is a merger of assets or debts. That’s it.


    1. Hello b|e. Thank you so much for reading my post. I’m new to posting so to have received a comment so soon after the post really made me feel excited. I do respect your answer. I liked the part where you say “so the decisions are also shared”. I guess being the hopeless romantic that I am I will still sincerely hope that in the marriage merger of assets or debts the two people involved will at least be able to hold hands, hug and smile warmly at each other after they have fought over the sharing of the money so that the marriage itself will remain; where the decisions of two people to share space time and energy with each other will keep them holding hands and smiling warmly at each for always.

      Best regards

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